Strength comes in knowing all of your options.

Because it’s your body and your health, you have a right to know the facts about any procedure recommended to you to handle an unplanned pregnancy.

Abortion, like any other surgical or medical procedure can have complications or side effects. It’s important to have all the facts before you make your decision.

There are two types of elective abortion: Surgical and Medical.

A surgical abortion is an invasive procedure that must be performed in a clinic. This type of procedure depends on the gestational age of your pregnancy. Because of the invasive nature of surgical abortion, there are known and established complications, as well as side effects that can occur. It’s important that you are fully educated on these potential issues. In addition, you need to ensure the clinic you choose for your abortion understands the seriousness of the procedure and knows how to handle any medical complications. Have them explain the possible side effects that could occur too. With this type of abortion, there is also a chance for long term side effects that could impact your future fertility and overall health.

Medical/chemical abortion is usually referred to as “the pill” and is typically administered both at a clinic and at home in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. While less invasive than a surgical abortion, a medical abortion is still a serious medical treatment that requires careful consideration. As with surgical abortions, there are known side effects that can occur if your body negatively reacts to the chemicals in this type of treatment.

The best decision for you

While other clinics can financially benefit from the option you choose for your pregnancy, our services are provided free of charge. Free services mean our staff’s focus is on you. We want to listen to your fears and needs, plus your plans for the future.

No one has the right to make your decision for you, it’s your body and your health. That’s why we believe it’s important for you to have all the facts you need to make the best decision. Our desire is to protect you and your future.

Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential pregnancy test. Let us provide you with the help and support you need to make the best decision.

While Life Services does not refer or offer abortion services at our locations, we can provide you with the information and facts you need. We want to make sure you are empowered to protect your body and health in the event you seek one.

You were made for this moment.